Title and Description |
Author |
Programming Language |
Action |
Light-Weight Introduction To Test-Driven Development
Using a Stack class as a running example demonstrates what TDD is about.
Added: December 26, 2007 |
Manfred Lange |
All .NET Languages |
Start |
Getting Started With csUnit
This tutorial gives a short step-by-step introduction into how to write tests and how to run them with csUnit.
Updated: April 10, 2006 |
Manfred Lange |
C# |
Start |
Unit Testing with C#
How do I make use of the Assert class? How do I implement simple test cases for my class? How do I integrate csUnit with my code? These are some of the questions, which are answered in this tutorial. |
Jake Anderson |
C# |
Start |
Migrating from NUnit to csUnit
You want to switch to using csUnit and want to migrate your existing code. This tutorial demonstrates which steps are necessary to make your code run under csUnit 1.7.6. |
Jake Anderson |
C# |
Start |
Implementing a Class Library in VB.NET
In this tutorial we want to have a look at the steps to be taken to test and develop a VB.NET class library using csUnit. |
Markus Renschler |
Visual Basic .NET |
Start |
Implementing Tests Using Attributes
Using attributes for implementing tests and test fixtures is an alternative to using naming conventions. This tutorial shows which attributes are available and how to use them. |
Manfred Lange |
C# |
Start |
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